Welcome to MetMUNC 50!

Thank you for an awesome conference!


8AM to 8PM

April 9th, 2022

In-Person Block A Schedule

8AM – 8:30AMRegistration
8:30AM – 9AMOpening Ceremonies
9AM – 12PMCommittee Session 1
12PM – 1PMLunch
1PM – 4PMCommittee Session 2
4PM – 5PMDinner
5PM – 7PMCommittee Session 3
7PM – 8PMClosing Ceremonies
Committees: Congress of Vienna, ECOSOC, Security Council, UNEP

In-Person Block B Schedule

8AM – 8:30AMRegistration
8:30AM – 9AMOpening Ceremonies
9AM – 1PMCommittee Session 1
1PM – 2PMLunch
2PM – 5PMCommittee Session 2
5PM – 6PMDinner
6PM – 7PMCommittee Session 3
7PM – 8PMClosing Ceremonies
Committees: Supreme Court, UNICEF, UNODC, WHO

MetMUNC is the Model United Nations club at POBJFKHS. We strive to give students a platform to discuss and debate international issues while representing the nations of the world. Students, also known as delegates, attend conferences throughout Long Island to debate international policy by representing a nation and researching, presenting, and embodying the views of that nation in a committee that tackles major world issues. Whether discussing human rights in the General Assembly, access to healthcare in WHO, or international security in Interpol, MetMUNC provides delegates with the ability to see global issues in a new light.

By joining MetMUNC, you will be able to directly interact with simulated international relations, providing a hands-on experience to learn about how the world works. Additionally, you will learn crucial public speaking skills, such as expressing your opinion in front of an audience. You will also learn how to work with others through compromise to create solutions that provide everyone a seat at the table. Joining MetMUNC will cultivate your potential to grow as a global citizen and give you a platform to learn more about others and the world around you.